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I started writing this blog to help a friend. Sometimes I don’t think she really wants my help and that’s fine. Still, she keeps telling me stuff and asking me what I think. I tell her what I think, but she obviously doesn’t want to hear that. She has her own answer inside of her; the answer she’s really asking for. I can’t give it to her because it isn’t mine to give. I can only give answers that are right for me.

That’s a fact for all of us.

We all only know our own best and cannot possibly know what is best for another person. Why? Because we have never walked in their shoes. We never know the whole story, the whole truth about who they are and what they are truly longing for.

However; I still wish to help. That’s pretty natural, I think. We are nice people and nice people wish to help each other, right?

So how can we help people who say they want help, but obviously want it in a way we can’t give it?

I think the only way we can help is by showing the way. And how do we do that?

  • By being true to ourselves.

  • By not stumbling about in other people’s opinions and getting lost in their fears.

  • By staying steady on our own course without getting side-tracked by other people’s dramas.

The dramas we have in our lives are our own life lessons and no one can learn them for us. Just as you cannot hire a person to do your sit-ups for you if you want a flat stomach, you cannot borrow someone else’s “right answer” to your troubles. There is really no right or wrong. There is only a “what’s right for me”.

Let’s listen with our ears to what our friends say, and listen with our hearts to what they need. Our hearts will always whisper; Love…Acceptance…Compassion…

With Love, Acceptance and Compassion,

Adelheid M

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