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3 Simple Steps to a Super Start of the Day

Many of my clients have asked me for tips on where to start when it comes to implementing positive changes in their day to day life. So today I will share with you 3 things I do every morning to help me stay balanced and get a good start of the day.


Everyone likes a "thank you" when they've given you a gift, a service or a compliment. The Universe also loves gratitude. The more you show appreciation for the good you already have in your life, the more good will come your way. If you focus on what you're grateful for first think in the morning, your day starts on a very positive note, and it's more likely to continue that way.

I try to list at least 5 things that I'm grateful for even before I get out of bed. You can keep a "Gratitude Diary" if you like, or maybe tell yourself in the bathroom mirror all the things you have that you care about. When I first started out with this practice, sometimes I couldn't think of anything other than: I can see, I can hear, I can taste, I can smell and I can feel. The more you focus on the positive in your life, the longer the list of positives get. It's absolutely wonderful! It has worked miracles in my life, and I'm sure it will in yours too!


Louise L. Hay explained in her book "You Can Heal Your Life" that our thoughts are creative. What we think and speak actually becomes our reality. Every thought we think and every word we speak is therefore an affirmation. Most of us have areas of our lives that aren't working quite as well as we'd like them to. Pay attention to the words you speak and and the thoughts you have about these areas. I'm sure you'll notice they're quite negative. Contrary to what most of us seem to believe, complaints hardly ever fixes anything. Stop complaining. Start affirming what you really want for yourself in your life. When you find a negative thought or statement you use often, take the time to rewrite it into a positive statement. Read the new statements to yourself often. Put them on postits and put them on your mirror or on the fridge or any other place you're likely to notice it several times a day. Pretty soon, your new way of thinking will manifest good things in your life. Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

"Life loves me", "Everything I touch is a success", "I am lovable just as I am"


Coined by Louise L. Hay, this technique is remarkably simple, yet extremely powerful. Stand or sit in front of a mirror, look into your own eyes and tell yourself; "I love you". Many find this hard to do because they're not used to saying anything positive to themselves, particularly not when they look in the mirror. It's unfortunately very common for people to berate themselves in front of the mirror using all forms of negative statements.

Most of our negative self-talk is reflecting messages we've picked up on our journey trough life, many of them in very early childhood. We might for instance have been scolded for something we had done wrong in the eyes of a parent, or made to feel like we were stupid by a teacher for not knowing the correct answer in class. Chances are that the people who gave us these messages were looking us straight in the eye whilst talking to us. Therefore it is so powerful to look into our own eyes and state something positive, like; "I love you just the way you are".

You can read your positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror every morning and evening.

Remember to tell yourself only positive things in the mirror. Stop criticising yourself NOW. You're an AWESOME person. Just as you are!


Adelheid M

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